Conheça um pouco mais sobre nós

Fundada em março de 2007, a alcance administradora de condomínios nasceu da crescente demanda do mercado por soluções eficientes e pontuais no segmento de administração de condomínios. com um compromisso inabalável com a excelência, nossa empresa se destaca como uma parceira confiável para condomínios em busca de serviços de alta qualidade e profissionalismo.

Na alcance, acreditamos que a transparência, a eficiência e a atenção aos detalhes são fundamentais para o sucesso de qualquer condomínio. nossa equipe altamente capacitada e dedicada está pronta para fornecer um atendimento personalizado e soluções sob medida para atender às necessidades específicas de cada cliente. com anos de experiência e um histórico comprovado de resultados positivos, estamos comprometidos em superar as expectativas de nossos clientes e em contribuir para o crescimento e a harmonia dos condomínios que atendemos.

Se você busca uma administração condominial que vai além do convencional e que o oferece um serviço de qualidade excepcional, a alcance administradora de condomínios está aqui para ajudar a alcançar seus objetivos. junte-se a nós e descubra o que é ter uma administração eficiente e confiável ao seu alcance.


Atuamos na gestão de condomínios residenciais e comerciais em diversas localidades, oferecendo serviços personalizados e de qualidade.


Av. Padres Olivetanos, 256 - Penha - CEP 03648-000


Seg a Sex das 09hs as 18hs

Galeria de Imagens

Explore nossos projetos e a gestão de condomínios realizados.

A modern apartment complex featuring two multi-story buildings with large windows and balconies. The complex is surrounded by landscaped areas with palm trees and a small pool in the center. Several parked vehicles are situated along the paved driveway that runs between the buildings.
A modern apartment complex featuring two multi-story buildings with large windows and balconies. The complex is surrounded by landscaped areas with palm trees and a small pool in the center. Several parked vehicles are situated along the paved driveway that runs between the buildings.
A modern apartment complex with multiple buildings. The buildings have contemporary architectural designs and are painted in various colors, including white, beige, and red brick. Several balconies and large windows are visible on each building. The courtyard area contains green plants, small trees, and a pathway. There's also a structure at the bottom right corner that might be a storage or utility shed.
A modern apartment complex with multiple buildings. The buildings have contemporary architectural designs and are painted in various colors, including white, beige, and red brick. Several balconies and large windows are visible on each building. The courtyard area contains green plants, small trees, and a pathway. There's also a structure at the bottom right corner that might be a storage or utility shed.
High-rise residential buildings with numerous windows and balconies. Many of the units have visible air conditioning units installed. The structures are predominantly light-colored with large glass windows reflecting light.
High-rise residential buildings with numerous windows and balconies. Many of the units have visible air conditioning units installed. The structures are predominantly light-colored with large glass windows reflecting light.
Two residential high-rise buildings with multiple balconies and windows. The structures exhibit a modern architectural style with a light-colored exterior.
Two residential high-rise buildings with multiple balconies and windows. The structures exhibit a modern architectural style with a light-colored exterior.
A modern residential building with multiple stories is visible, featuring a facade of white and dark panels. The foreground includes a neatly landscaped area with small trees and shrubs. A water feature with cascading water adds an elegant touch. Black metal railings and a set of steps lead to a gated area.
A modern residential building with multiple stories is visible, featuring a facade of white and dark panels. The foreground includes a neatly landscaped area with small trees and shrubs. A water feature with cascading water adds an elegant touch. Black metal railings and a set of steps lead to a gated area.
A multi-story residential building features numerous apartments with balconies. Each unit is fitted with air conditioning units attached below the windows. The facade exhibits a uniform pattern of windows and concrete, creating a repetitive architectural style.
A multi-story residential building features numerous apartments with balconies. Each unit is fitted with air conditioning units attached below the windows. The facade exhibits a uniform pattern of windows and concrete, creating a repetitive architectural style.